Portal Second Age

Exodus Unglued
Portal Second Age
Released June 24, 1998
Size 165 cards
Keywords none
Mechanics none
Dev. code None
Exp. code PO2
Second set in the Portal block
Portal Portal Second Age Portal Three Kingdoms

Portal Second Age is the name of the second Magic: The Gathering starter level set which came out on June 24, 1998[1]. The set contains 165 cards in all languages except Portuguese, which contained 49 cards.


Set history

Due to the complexity of Magic, especially for new players, in 1998, a second set of cards targeted to appeal to beginners was released. Christened, Portal Second Age, the set continued with the similar concepts of Portal, but reduced the set size and presented the game up in a more straightforward fashion by limiting the number of game mechanics and eliminating ambiguous language.

As of October 20, 2005, all cards in Portal Second Age are legal in Vintage and Legacy tournaments.


No new mechanics were introduced with Portal Second Age. There were several "simplifications" made to the game through things left out of the set.

Also, Portal Second Age had two changes from Portal, in an effort to smooth the transition to more advanced sets:


  1. ^ Wizards of the Coast (1998-06-25). "Portal Second Age Spoiler Cardlist". http://www.wizards.com/magic/generic/cardlists/Portal_Second_Age.txt. Retrieved 2010-03-08. 

External links